All users in our app have access to a 24/7 technical assistance

You can contact the assistance if you need help in anything related to the app such as:
- Facing a technical problem
- Facing a problem with a user
- You want to give your opinion
- You want to ask questions
All you have to do is to click on the red button (shown in the image above) and to start writing your message.

After sending the message, our administrator will respond you within 24 hours. You can also send images in the assistance section which allow you to have a better communication with our team of administrators. In addition, we are not restricted to any language, you can use the language that you prefer in order to contact us.
For example, in case you faced an impolite user, you can either report him from his profile or you can send us his username in the assistance section and we will take action.
In addition, we provide you with a way to rate our administration’s performance, in this way we can know which administrators are the best for you.

Another important aspect in our technical assistance is that you do not need to be logged in to contact us.
All you have to do is to know your valid credentials and to send us your message!
Note that in addition to the assistance, we provide our users with an FAQ page that answers many of their questions.